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Not to Be Dramatic, but This Disney World Map Hack Just Changed My Life


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I’m the kind of person who could get lost in their own house. I have literally NO sense of direction, and I don’t drive anywhere I haven’t been to at least a dozen times without using Google Maps and navigation.


So we know just how big Disney World is, right? And although the parks are laid out in a way that sort of makes sense (well, not you, Hollywood Studios), I can still get lost. Imagine if you’re someone like me with no sense of direction who’s never been to the parks before? Well, there’s a handy Google Maps feature the DFB team just uncovered that could make navigating the parks a lot easier — if you plan ahead.

Planning guide for the ultimate Disney vacation


So, something I occasionally do when I can’t be in Disney World is look at it on maps (and then dream about being there). Now, I often look at the parks via Google Maps and then use the Satellite View to see actual details from the parks from a bird’s eye view. But did you know you can navigate through Disney World via the Google Maps Street View feature? 



If you need to learn your way around the parks, you can literally use Street View to learn how to get from Point A to Point B in the parks. Just click on one of the blue lines on the map to get started. This way, you can virtually walk around Magic Kingdom like you’re really there. You can take a virtual walk down Main Street, U.S.A., if you want.



However, if you’ve been to Disney World recently or know about recent events, you’ll recognize that some of these photos are outdated (for example, Cinderella’s Castle is wearing its old colors and not its new colors from a few years ago). So, that could be a downside of using Street View like this.

We tried this in other parks, too — we walked around Toy Story Land in Disney’s Hollywood Studios through Google Maps Street View.



How about a stroll around Spaceship Earth in EPCOT? Yep, you can do that, too!



And, of course, I like to walk through my FAVORITE park, Animal Kingdom, every chance I get. Did you know you can virtually walk through the Gorilla Falls Exploration Trail? Yep, you can!



So what about resorts? Well, we looked at Disney’s Caribbean Beach Resort, which is HUGE. If you need to learn your way around ANY resort, this is the one. Well, we were out of luck — you can’t virtually walk around the resorts with Street View, but you can see photos of important spots, like hotel lobbies, dining, etc. That’s still pretty cool, though, and you can see those in 360 degrees.

However, if you want to learn your way around the parks or if you just want to revisit the parks when you’re not there, like I often do, Google Street View is a fun way to bring that magic into your home whenever you want.

Stay tuned to DFB for more.

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Oh boy, planning a Disney trip can be quite the adventure, and we totally get it! But fear not, dear friends, we compiled EVERYTHING you need (and the things to avoid!) to plan the ULTIMATE Disney vacation.

Whether you're a rookie or a seasoned pro, our insider tips and tricks will have you exploring the parks like never before. So come along with us, and get planning your most magical vacation ever!

Have you ever used Google Street View to visit Disney World virtually? Let us know in the comments!

The post Not to Be Dramatic, but This Disney World Map Hack Just Changed My Life first appeared on the disney food blog.

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