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Review: Cheeseburger Spring Rolls at Magic Kingdom’s Adventureland Egg Roll Wagon


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I’ve strolled past the Adventureland Egg Roll Wagon lots of times.

Maybe you have, too… and possibly without even knowing it. Adventureland hosts a few carts featuring the regulars like ice cream bars, popcorn, and plenty of cold drinks for tropical, Adventureland-type days. It also has the one responsible for the irresistible fragrance of cinnamon-glazed almonds on your way to Pirates of the Caribbean. But the Egg Roll Wagon stands alone in its little area and also stands alone in its food offerings, being the only grab-and-walk egg roll location in Magic Kingdom.

You pass the little cart after the entrance to the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse (give a shout if you still love it!).

Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse

Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse

Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse

Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse

And you can see it to your left when facing the Magic Carpets of Aladdin — it’s the little red cart with the cool overhang.

Egg Roll Wagon on the left

Egg Roll Wagon on the left

By the way… a word of warning: if you ever find yourself in line for an egg roll, watch out for this guy.

Magic Carpets of Aladdin Camel

Magic Carpets of Aladdin Camel

He spits. How I manage to forget that every single time I’m in his general vicinity, I’ll never know.

Anyway, back to the Wagon! Here it is on a slightly less busy day ;).

Egg Roll Wagon

Egg Roll Wagon

But on the particular day of my recent visit, I was in Adventureland checking out the new homes for both Sunshine Tree Terrace and Aloha Isle. That’s when I noticed a little sign at the Egg Roll Wagon which made me do a double-take. You see, the Egg Roll Wagon typically offers fairly standard egg roll choices; you know, like pork and vegetable.

Egg Roll Wagon menu

Egg Roll Wagon menu

But there was a brand new item available for testing, which means the outcome can be anything from deciding not to feature them at all, to offering them on peak days (such as the day I was there), to adding them to the regular menu.

So, what is the test item in question (umm, if you didn’t see it in this post’s title ;)? Cheeseburger Spring Rolls!

Cheeseburger Spring Rolls sign

Cheeseburger Spring Rolls sign

You don’t have to ask me twice! So, here they are, and you can already see

that the roll wrappers are nicely crisped to a golden brown.

Cheeseburger Spring Rolls

Cheeseburger Spring Rolls

Next is the inside, and straight up: the cross section of a Cheeseburger Spring Roll does not a beautiful picture make. But don’t let that sway you…

Cross section of Cheeseburger Spring Rolls

Cross section of Cheeseburger Spring Rolls

Sure, finely minced ground beef in melted cheese might not be visually gorgeous, and I’ll admit, the sight gave me pause before digging in. But dig in, I did… and the taste was what I’d hoped it would be when I saw the sign.

Cross section of Cheeseburger Spring Rolls

Cross section of Cheeseburger Spring Rolls

My spring rolls were served up piping hot and the wrappers were really fresh and crispy. Waiting inside the golden shell was a gooey, cheesy pile of minced beef, bringing together all the flavor elements of a fast food-style cheeseburger, only FRIED.

A word about the cheese: while it is melted, it’s not plastic cheese, I don’t think. It had that nice American cheese taste perfectly associated with a cheeseburger. I thought it all came together really well. The only thing I might change is the portion size to a wee bit larger (basically because I started to have an almost immediate craving for them after I finished!), but really, that’s about it.

The Cheeseburger Spring Rolls remind me a bit of the Gravy Fries at Everything Pop Food Court in the sense that — and I could be wrong, but I’m going to wager — most people will likely have an immediate instinct whether or not this is a snack for them. It’s probably either, “Oh. I am SO THERE,” or “No thanks, pal,” without much middle ground.

So, are you in the “I don’t know why exactly, but that really appeals to me” Club? Then if you see ‘em, grab ‘em, because that might mean the Cheeseburger Spring Rolls have a chance to stick around post-test. And they sure passed mine!

Reports on any future sightings of Cheeseburger Spring Rolls would be greatly appreciated :). So, would you give them a try? Please let us know with a comment!

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