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You know it’s a fact: there’s a LOT to cover when it comes to Disney Food. Right now, there seems to be breaking news practically on a daily basis. Throw in the busiest time of the year, and how do you keep up?

DFB Newsletter

By subscribing to the DFB Newsletter!

Covering everything that’s happening right now on the blog is a tall order. So we reserve even more Disney Food News for our Newsletter. What makes it even better? It’s delivered straight to your inbox!

It’s such a busy time of the year as we head into vacation season, and we don’t want you to miss a single second of all that’s happening at Disney.

If you love Disney Food, then you’ll love our Newsletter. Twice a month (and more when there’s big news!), we’ll send it to you, brimming with full-color photographs and exclusive content.

Get all the info about the newest Disney restaurants!

Get all the info about the newest Disney restaurants!

You’ll enjoy features like our Munch of the Month Series, and we’ll also keep you in the know about breaking news and events, like Free Dining Package announcements and Food and Wine Festival updates, with special editions sent directly to you.

Our Newsletter community is also the first to hear announcements of special offers and events, such as DFB Guide Sales and Snack Attack Events!

Join today and you’ll receive an email from me welcoming you onboard. Then stay tuned for more DFB goodies!

As always, we appreciate your support of DFB!

Disney Food Blog Fans, be sure to check out our DFB Disney World Dining Guide e-Books! Find great deals at DFBStore.com!Also, come on over and:

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