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Review: Pop-Tarts® Breakfast Sandwich at Pop Century Resort

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So, Everything Pop Food Court at Disney’s Pop Century Resort is at it again.

We recently shared our review of lunch here. But when we heard of a new-to-us breakfast sandwich, I knew we needed to get in gear and head back to Everything Pop asap.

In the past, Pop Century has brought us such greats as Twinkie Tiramisu, Tie-Dyed Cheesecake, and Mom’s Night Out TV Dinners, but this one…this one is going to take some getting used to.

The Pop-Tarts® Breakfast Sandwich

OK, so here we go. This unique breakfast sammy includes: eggs, bacon, cheese (pretty standard, right?) and…Pop-Tarts. Yep. Pop-Tarts. As in the original breakfast toaster pastry.

And I may be able to understand the whole thing if they were using the un-frosted brown sugar version…that might give it a fun, breakfast-y sweet/salty thing. But, no. They’re sandwiching the egg, bacon, and cheese between two frosted strawberry Pop-Tarts. Wha?!?

Yeah, so, that’s happening.

Pop Tart Breakfast Sandwich

Pop-Tarts® Breakfast Sandwich

Should you take up the challenge and try one of these yourself, here’s a little primer.

The entire sandwich is toasted, so the frosting and strawberry filling from the Pop-Tart melt into the sandwich. Think of this as, like, a gravy sandwich or something — get some napkins and a fork!

Pop Tart Breakfast Sandwich -- Up Close

Pop-Tarts® Breakfast Sandwich — Up Close

The frosting actually gives a seriously sweet edge to the sandwich, and, believe it or not, it was a decent flavor with the bacon and cheese. The egg, however, was more of an egg “patty,” and didn’t have much flavor. I would have much preferred a fresh, fried egg.

Pop Tart Breakfast Sandwich -- Cross Section

Pop-Tarts® Breakfast Sandwich — Cross Section

Halfway through the sandwich I actually took the egg off completely, and at that point, it was “not too bad.”

So, there you have it — the Pop-Tarts Breakfast Sandwich at Pop Century. Please, please leave a comment and let me know if 1.) You’ve tried this, 2.) What you think of it, and 3.) Would you want to try it on your next Disney visit. :-D

Thoughts? Wonderings? Ramblings? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

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