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Cruising with Little Ones: Tips from the Disney Parks Moms Panel


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If you’re considering taking your little one on their first Disney cruise, chances are you have several questions about what to expect. What activities are onboard for young children? What supplies do I need to bring with me? Will there be opportunities for “me time”?


I’ve been chatting with parents who have already cruised with little ones to get their insights. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be giving you answers to these questions, plus many more. If there are specific things you want to know, tell me in the comments and I’ll do my best to find the answer for you.

For now, I’ll leave you with some great tips from one of our Disney Parks Moms Panelists, Tracy. Along with the other Disney Cruise Line specialists on the panel, she is always happy to answer your questions on DisneyParksMomsPanel.com. Stay tuned next week to find out the top activities for little ones aboard a Disney cruise.

Cinderella Meets a Little Princess

1. Take advantage of the many opportunities to meet characters.
“Have your little one pose with ANY character you encounter! And be sure to pack your child’s princess gown for the Princess Gathering. The photos will be precious!”

2. Take your own baby supplies.
“Bring a small umbrella stroller or a baby carrier, as those hallways are especially long for little legs! Also, pack more diapers than you need, and after you empty them out of your suitcase, you will have plenty of room for souvenirs!”

3. Take naps.
“You are never very far from your room. Do NOT hesitate to go there and have your little ones (or yourself) take a nap. Before Pirate Night, have your little ones nap in the afternoon so that they can make it to the Pirates IN the Caribbean deck party, complete with fireworks.”


4. Take time out for yourself.
“Be sure to schedule nursery time so that you can enjoy “me time” in the adult-exclusive spaces. My favorite is brunch at Palo, followed by an afternoon at the spa!”

5.Take lots of photos.
“Always have your camera handy, as you’ll want to capture your child’s excitement all throughout the cruise! Pirate Night is my favorite night, and it usually is for little ones, too. Be sure to pack your best pirate-y outfits and take LOTS of pictures.”

Cruising with Little Ones: Tips from the Disney Parks Moms Panel by Jonathan Frontado: Originally posted on the Disney Parks Blog


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