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Review: Mini Dessert Tarts at Pop Century’s Everything Pop Food Court


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Greetings from Pop Culture Past… ‘cuz we’re back at Everything Pop Food Court at Pop Century Resort!

We JUST visited Landscape of Flavors in the Art of Animation Resort to try their new Miniature Whoopie Pies. I mention that because those unfamiliar with this area of Disney World may not know that it’s just a quick stroll over the bridge across Hourglass Lake to Pop Century. This is a huge boon for guests at either resort who have easy access to arguably two of the best food courts in Disney World. Hoping to try more exotic flavors? Hop on over to the Landscape. Craving comfort food served up with a side of quirkiness?  Take a stroll to Everything Pop!

Now typically, if I’m here for dessert, it’s because I’m craving the King Cupcake, which has earned a place of honor on my Disney Food Bucket List!

But on this visit, fresh from Art of Animation, I couldn’t help but notice that Everything Pop is hopping on the Mini Train, too. In this case, it’s an assortment of Mini Dessert Tarts up for grabs, so let’s “pop” in for bite!


Everything POP Food Court certainly lives up to its name…

Everything Pop Shopping & Dining Sign

Everything Pop Shopping & Dining Sign

It hosts a bright and fun atmosphere with lots of color and creativity.

Everything Pop Seating Area

Everything Pop Seating Area

Much like the other Value Resort food courts, seating abounds with primarily tables and chairs, while booths line the perimeters. Not overly comfy, but perfectly fitting for quick service eating.

Everything Pop Seating Area

Everything Pop Seating Area

And speaking of eating…


Seven food stations feature plenty of fun options such as  Sloppy Joes, Beer Battered Fish and Chips, and a fairly recently added line of Specialty Burgers along with the old standbys like pizza and Chicken Breast Nuggets.

Everything Pop Ordering Areas

Everything Pop Ordering Areas

Grab an ice-cream or “Popaccino” espresso beverage for a little something sweet, or stop by the serve-yourself pastry case, which is where we find ourselves again today! Options include Chocolate Chip Cookies, Pineapple Upside-Down Cake and bite size Krispy Treats.

Everything Pop Pastry Case

Everything Pop Pastry Case

The King Cupcake finds its home right among the specialty cupcakes (edible guitar pick included!).



But we’re here today to check out the Mini Tarts! Flavors available during my visit included Pumpkin and Pecan for starters.

Mini Pumpkin Tarts

Mini Pumpkin Tarts

Mini Pecan Tarts

Mini Pecan Tarts

But fruit tarts made up the majority of the options with Blueberry, Apple, and Cherry.

Mini Blueberry Tarts

Mini Blueberry Tarts

Mini Apple Tarts

Mini Apple Tarts

Mini Cherry Tarts

Mini Cherry Tarts

I keep wanting to call these Mini POP Tarts due to their setting, but obviously that would imply a different snack-and-breakfast food entirely ;) . But don’t worry, you can still get your fill of those, too, thanks to the Everything Pop Sundae, and the Pop-Tarts® Breakfast Sandwich (if you dare, on that last one… ;).

Now, once again we’re looking at some mini treats here, so to offer some size perspective I placed all three of my chosen tarts on one plate. And this is one of the smaller snack and dessert plates, mind you. They’re $4.79 apiece, and eligible for a snack credit on the Disney Dining Plan.

Mini Tarts!

Mini Tarts!

Let’s dig into the Blueberry Tart first.

Mini Blueberry Tart

Mini Blueberry Tart

Simple enough, the same mini shell that you’ll see with all the tarts holds a generous amount of blueberry compote topped with little drizzles of white icing.

Close Up of the Mini Blueberry Tart

Close Up of the Mini Blueberry Tart

And that’s all she wrote! What you see is what you get, and the blueberry filling was nicely stacked with whole blueberries.

Cross Section of the Mini Blueberry Tart

Cross Section of the Mini Blueberry Tart

The Apple Tart follows suit, with the exception of dark chocolate drizzle and a small smattering of some unexpected frosted flakes. (Wha??)

Mini Apple Tart

Mini Apple Tart

You can spy the hint of cinnamon mixed throughout the filling with plenty of that good ol’ gelatinous fruit pie filling goo (not the actual name, I’m guessing ;) ), while the chocolate drizzle was put on with a light hand, offering just a hint of flavor.

Close Up of the Mini Apple Tart

Close Up of the Mini Apple Tart

Ultimately I rather enjoyed the frosted flakes, which added some nice crunch, almost like a “crumble” effect on a proper apple pie or crisp.

Cross Section of the Mini Apple Tart

Cross Section of the Mini Apple Tart

Those of you who were fans of the Pecan Tart a la Mode may be happy to see my final choice, the Pecan Tart.

Mini Pecan Tart

Mini Pecan Tart

I was pretty tempted to grab some ice cream at the dessert station to top it off, but you’ve got to check out the crusted pecans and maple that make up this thing.

Close Up of the Mini Pecan Tart

Close Up of the Mini Pecan Tart

I loved the layering in this one, with the gooey filling and oodles of pecans going really well with the golden tart shell.

Cross Section of the Mini Pecan Tart

Cross Section of the Mini Pecan Tart

I’d say of all three, this one took the cake… I mean, tart.


So, here’s the thing — no complaints on the tarts themselves. I found them to be tasty and well-crafted, and they pair nicely with some of the comfort food items you’ll find for entrees at Everything POP, like the Chicken Pot Pie. But at $4.79, they are more expensive that the Mini Whoopie Pies at Landscape of Flavors, without offering the same level of decadence.

Speaking purely from a value perspective, it would be nice to see an offering of a two of them for one snack credit for the Disney Dining Plan. As it stands, these are nice options to have for folks utilizing a Counter Service credit who want a little something sweet for their dessert entitlement that comes with the meal, but don’t quite have room for something as rich as an entire serving of Tie-Dye Cheesecake. For those paying out-of-pocket, I’d recommend opting for one of the full-size choices, even though the variety of available flavors for the tarts can be pretty tempting. One thing’s for sure, it’s always worth taking a look around at Everything Pop, which always seems full of surprises, big and small!

What’s your take on the mini trend? Let us know in the comments below!

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