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Celebrate Daylight Savings This Weekend With…MORE SAVINGS!


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Coming up on Sunday we’ll be celebrating Daylight Savings and Springing Forward — and you know what that means: one less hour of sleep.

daylight savings ecard

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but let me also be the bearer of GOOD news: we at DFB have decided to add a silver lining to your weekend and offer some GREAT savings at DFBStore.com in honor of Daylight Savings time!

DFB Daylight Savings Day Special-02

Whether your visit is just around the corner during the Spring Break rush or you will be logging your Disney Days later on in 2017, one thing is for sure: Planning ahead is the key to a stress-less vacay. And that’s never more true than when it comes to dining.

That’s where Disney Food Blog comes in! You already enjoy our reviews, news, and tips daily on our Blog. But did you know — that’s JUST the tip of the iceberg. Because we have lots more to share with you in our complete line of DFB Guides.

So don’t let Daylight Savings time get you down; dig into some savings instead!

2017 Everything Bundle

Save 25% on 2017 The DFB Guide to Walt Disney World® Dining 2nd Edition

Fully updated for your 2017-2018 adventures, the 2017 DFB Guide to Walt Disney World® Dining 2nd Edition e-Book is an instantly downloadable PDF guide.

2017 DFB Guide to WDW Dining Cover March 6

The book features over 650 full-color pages of photographs, information, and advice about our favorite subject — Disney foooood! So you save time and money as you enjoy planning one of the most important parts of your trip. ;-)

DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining Sample Pages

DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining Sample Pages

And in honor of Daylight Savings Time and the return of Spring and Summer, we are offering extra savings on our most popular DFB Guide today. Just enter promo code DAYLIGHT at checkout and you’ll save 25% off of our cover price of the 2017 DFB Guide to Walt Disney World® Dining 2nd Edition e-Book!

But if you’d like to enjoy even more detail, check out another great offer.

Save 25% on the DFB Everything Bundle!

Want even more great information, pictures, and tips? Then the DFB Everything Bundle may be just the right fit for you.

2017 Everything Bundle

And to get you ready for that next big trip, we are offering the DFB Everything Bundle for 25% off the already low price! It’s like getting an entire book for free. Just enter promo code DAYLIGHT at checkout to take advantage of this offer.
The Everything Bundle includes, well, Everything! When you purchase this special bundle of DFB Guides, you’ll get it all:

That’s every book in our collection of critically-acclaimed DFB Guides. And with the convenient e-book format, you can load your books onto as many electronic devices as you want. Have them at your fingertips, ready to plan and take with you into the Parks. Just download and off you go!

The DFB Everything Bundle is already a terrific bargain at well below 40% off the individual prices of the books, but we’re excited to offer you additional savings of 25% off for a limited time. Enter promo code DAYLIGHT at checkout to take advantage of this offer.

Shop in confidence, knowing that all of our DFB Guides are 100% money-back guaranteed.

As always, we thank you for your continued support of Disney Food Blog! We couldn’t do this without all of you!

Disney Food Blog Fans, be sure to check out our DFB Disney World Dining Guide e-Books! Find great deals at DFBStore.com! Also, come on over and:

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