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Listen To The Swotu Wayä Na’vi Drum Ceremony


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Pandora – The World of Avatar offers many ways for guests to connect with nature, animals and the overall living, breathing planet of Pandora. Whether it’s experiencing riding on a banshee or tasting Na’vi-inspired dishes at Satu’li Canteen, guests can truly immerse themselves in the wonder and culture of Pandora.

Today we’re happy to share another unique way guests can connect with this amazing land – through music.

Swotu Wayä (“sacred place of song”), is located in the heart of Mo’ara Valley, and is where guests can interact with a collection of instruments fashioned by the Na’vi that are connected into the moon’s root system. As guests play instruments, they connect to a living memory of song that responds to fill the space around them with music and light.

At various times throughout the day and into the evening, a group of musicians gather at Swotu Wayä to perform a traditional Na’vi Drum Ceremony. Led by a musicologist who has studied Na’vi musical culture, the group also includes an expatriate from Earth and a native Pandoran who is among the first generation of humans born on Pandora.

Check out the video above to experience the emotional power of the group’s performance. To see them yourselves on your trip to Pandora – The World of Avatar, be sure to check the park’s Times Guide on the day of your visit.


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