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NEW!!: Shhh… All Star Movies Resort SECRET MENU in Walt Disney World!!!


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Wanna know a secret? Then come with me to World Premiere Food Court at All Star Movies Resort for an AMAZING one!!

The Food Courts at the All Star Resorts — Sports, Music, and Movies (which is the Resort we’re visiting today) — are pretty fun places. Since the All Stars land in the category of Value Resorts, they don’t offer a Table Service restaurant. So that means the Resort Food Courts are extra big and packed with options to feed the huge numbers of guests in these sprawling Resorts.

That said, the menus tend to cater to the masses primarily with safe bets like pizza, hot dogs, and the like. While the All Stars Food Court counterparts — Pop Century’s Everything Pop and the Art of Animation Resort’s Landscape of Flavors — raised the bar in providing some more unique options, the All Star Resort Food Courts… well, let’s just say they’ve never exactly been what you might call a place of intrigue.

Until now… thanks to the arrival of a few SECRET MENU ITEMS at World Premiere Food Court! And seriously, this is pretty darn cool!

World Premiere Food Court

World Premiere Food Court

Our stealth, on-the-scene reporter snuck in to the food court in a trench coat and fedora.

World Premiere Food Court

World Premiere Food Court

Okay, she walked in like normal. Turns out trench coats and August in Florida don’t mix. Anyhoo… should YOU choose to tackle this mission on your own, here’s a big hint:

Roxy Counter

Roxy Counter

Report to the ROXY counter. Once there, our roving reporter asked a Cast Member about the Secret Menu Items. And here’s what happened…

Secret Menu Item Briefcase

Secret Menu Item Briefcase

A Manager walked out with a briefcase. And in that briefcase were a few, beautiful, old school-style VIEWFINDERS.



And clicking through the Viewfinder is how you find out what the Secret Menu Items are (just like the old dessert menu at 50s Prime Time Cafe!)


But if you don’t mind, then please read on…

I’ll give you a minute to decide.

Okay, TIME’S UP! The Secret Menu Items are — pause for added suspense and drama:

  • Poutine with Gravy and Cheese Curds,
  • Bacon Mac and Cheese Dog,
  • AND A CINNAMON BUN AND CANDIED BACON CHEESEBURGER (and if anything gets ALL CAPS over Poutine, you KNOW it’s a big deal)!

The Cinnamon Bun Burger is… honestly, a bit to my surprise… EXACTLY WHAT IT SAYS IT IS!

Cinnamon Bun Burger

Cinnamon Bun Burger

When it came up on the Viewfinder, we figured it might be an all-sweet, dessert-y twist on a burger. But, NO. It’s a straight up Cinnamon Bun — with icing, no less! — split in half and surrounding a beef patty topped with cheese and BACON!

Cinnamon Bun Burger

Cinnamon Bun Burger

Okay, there’s a bit more sweetness to add. That bacon? It’s candied.

Candied Bacon

Candied Bacon

And that’s white American cheese paired with it. In all the hubbub, I forgot to mention… it comes with french fries and coleslaw.

Full Cinnamon Bun Burger Entree

Cinnamon Bun Burger with Fries and Coleslaw

But you know what those are all about. What you want to know is… how did that burger work out? Actually, it was pretty good!

Cinnamon Bun Burger

Cinnamon Bun Burger

The always-a-hit sweet and salty combo is helped along by the fact that the light and airy bun is a nice pair with the hearty, dense fillings (which, yes, include the typically overdone Disney food court burger patty — but it wasn’t a hockey puck this time, and it was good enough that it doesn’t take away from the overall dish).

Cinnamon Bun Burger

Cinnamon Bun Burger

It’s also surprisingly easy to eat, since the cinnamon bun smashes down easily. It’s every bit as messy and sticky as you might anticipate, but the sheer fun factor makes up for that.

Additionally, we couldn’t possibly resist a dish of Poutine, now could we? No real secrets here in regards to how the dish is comprised… which, when it comes to Poutine, is a VERY good thing!

Poutine with Gravy and Cheese Curds

Poutine with Gravy and Cheese Curds

French Fries are topped with a hearty helping of rich brown gravy and plenty of warm cheese curds.

Poutine with Gravy and Cheese Curds

Poutine with Gravy and Cheese Curds

Of course, they aren’t the thick-cut fries we love with Poutine (the way they’re served at The Daily Poutine). Just the regular thin-cut food court fries. But still. Gravy. Fries. Curds.

Poutine with Gravy and Cheese Curds

Poutine with Gravy and Cheese Curds

And the flavor and fun are all in there, and the fact that the curds are warm is appreciated. YUM!

Oh, and while we didn’t get the mac and cheese dog, you can get that at several places around Disney World. Here’s the gist. It’s pretty great, too. :

Mac and Cheese Dog Bacon Close-Up

Mac and Cheese Dog Bacon Close-Up

I just gotta say it… WAY TO GO, WORLD PREMIERE FOOD COURT!! You’ve pulled off a SUPER fun surprise with tasty items, too! All you parents out there … don’t you think this could be a cool way to surprise and astound the kiddos with a fun vacation memory? (And, of course, you could always split a dish as a group if maaaaybe you don’t want your child eating their own entire CINNAMON BUN BURGER ;) ).

Oh! Before we sneak out… we don’t want to keep the prices a secret. The Cinnamon Bun Burger is $14.99, the Poutine is $7.99, and the Bacon Mac and Cheese Dog comes in at $12.29. Pretty much on par with the regular food court entrees.

Allright, that’s it from World Premiere Food Court! I’d let you in on my next destination, but… it’s a SECRET ;) .

What do you think of the Secret Menu Items at World Premiere Food Court? Don’t keep it a secret — please comment below!

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