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Disney Parks Bento Magic: Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean


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To celebrate International Talk Like A Pirate Day, we have a special edition of our exclusive series of Disney-inspired bento box tutorials. This time, Disney Parks Blog reader and fan Mike Kravanis is at the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction at Walt Disney World Resort with roving Adventureland pirate, Nasty Nate! to show you how to make a jaw-dropping Captain Jack bento box.

To make the Captain Jack bento box, Mike used several clever tricks including creating a pirate hat from a Portobello mushroom cap and hair from noodles soaked in tea. You’ll also notice there’s a unique bento box treasure chest full of carrot coins, radish gems, and pearls. Try it yourself!

Keep your eye on the Disney Parks Blog for more Disney-inspired bento box tutorials in upcoming weeks.


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