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Ninth Disney-sponsored KaBOOM! Playground in Anaheim Built at Willow Park


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What do you get when you combine 300 dedicated volunteers with clinking hammers, buzzing drills, lots of mulch and a little bit of pixie dust? A brand-new playground built in just under 8 hours.

Volunteers from the Disneyland Resort, Anaheim Family YMCA, City of Anaheim, Hope Builders and organizers from KaBOOM! joined forces to make this kid-designed dream a reality.

Disney VoluntEARS build KaBOOM! Playground at Willow Park

New to the Disney VoluntEARS Leadership Council, Art Montoya led one of the project teams during his first-ever KaBOOM! build. “Being able to give back means a lot. Growing up, my community helped me have a better upbringing, and I want that for the kids who use this playground. Then I hope that they’ll grow up and want to give back – to create a giving cycle.”

Disney VoluntEARS build KaBOOM! Playground at Willow Park

For Disney cast member and Anaheim resident Becky Murphy, this build hits particularly close to home. “Willow Park is within a mile of my house. It will be great to drive by, on my way to work, and see all the kids enjoying what we have built. Playgrounds are a great atmosphere for kids, and especially one they helped design specifically for this community.”

This is the ninth Disney-sponsored KaBOOM! build in Anaheim, with three more planned in the next two years. Next up is Pearson Park!


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