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News: Select Disney World Counter Service Restaurants Serving Turkey Meals on Thanksgiving Day


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What’s Thanksgiving Day without Turkey with all the trimmings? For years now, Table Service restaurants all over Disney World have served traditional Thanksgiving Day meals to visitors on Thanksgiving Day. But this year, a few Counter Service locations are even getting in on the Thanksgiving fun!

Pecos Bill's Tall Tale Inn and Cafe

Pecos Bill’s Tall Tale Inn and Cafe

In Magic Kingdom, you can stop by Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn and Cafe on November 23rd for a full meal of Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing, Green Beans, Cranberry Sauce, and Gravy.


Pecos Bill Turkey Platter ©Disney

Epcot’s Sunshine Seasons will serve a Thanksgiving Plate for lunch and dinner featuring all those same elements.

And in Animal Kingdom, Satu’li Canteen will offer a Pandoran twist on the meal! The Na’vi of Pandora created their own version of a Thanksgiving meal, and they’ll be sharing it with those of us traveling to Pandora with the assistance of ACE (Alpha Centauri Expeditions).



Wood-grilled Turkey Breast with Gravy will be accompanied by Apple and Sage Stuffing, Green Beans, Orange Marmalade Glazed Sweet Potatoes with Candied Pecans, and Mashed Potatoes, all topped with Cranberry Boba Pearls (Because a meal just isn’t complete on Pandora without Boba ;-D). This meal will be available in both Adult and Kids’ portions. Dessert will feature a Pumpkin Cheesecake Mousse.

Now, here’s one Counter Service Thanksgiving Feast that’s NOT limited to Thanksgiving Day: Pinocchio Village Haus recently began serving a Featured Flatbread of the Month. For November, it’s a Thanksgiving Flatbread!

Pinocchio Village Haus

Pinocchio Village Haus

The Thanksgiving Flatbread is topped with cheese, turkey, stuffing, and cranberry sauce, and it’s all drizzled with gravy.

So now, if you’re spending Thanksgiving Day in Disney World, you can still enjoy a Thanksgiving meal without even needing an Advance Dining Reservation!

Gobble, Gobble!!

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Will you be spending this Thanksgiving in Disney World? Please let us know with a comment!

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