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HOLIDAY Preview! Toy Story Land Character Costumes and MORE in Disney’s Hollywood Studios!


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A Flurry of Fun will return to Disney’s Hollywood Studios this coming holiday season from November 8, 2018 – January 6, 2019. Favorites like the Jingle Bell, Jingle BAM! nighttime fireworks spectacular, Sunset Seasons Greetings, and more (like festive FOOD!) will spread holiday cheer all around the park.


Toy Story Moving Billboard for Sunset Seasons Greetings

But since last year, something new has come to Hollywood Studios… and that’s Toy Story Land, which opened this past June! The new section of the park will be joining in the festive fun. And today we have a look at Buzz, Woody, and Jessie in their holiday costumes for their meet and greets!



The land will also be adorned with holiday decorations like giant cranberry and popcorn garlands, a holiday card selfie of the Toy Story characters, a larger-than-life Hamm sugar cookie, Green Alien ornaments, and more.


Toy Story Land

Likewise, Slinky Dog Dash and Alien Swirling Saucers will have audio enhancements.


Slinky Dog Dash

On Slinky Dog Dash, you’ll hear sleigh bells ringing, and the Alien Swirling Saucers will swirl to two holiday tracks (in addition to themed lighting).


Alien Swirling Saucers

So get ready to PLAY BIG… during the HOLIDAYS in Toy Story Land!

Don’t Miss Out on Any Disney World Fun This Holiday Season!

The DFB Guide to the Walt Disney World® Holidays 2018 is a one-of-a-kind resource that will help you get the most out of your holiday vacation at Walt Disney World. Pre-order The DFB Guide to the Walt Disney World® Holidays 2018 and get the 2017 edition as a free, instant download!
DFB Holiday Guide 2018 Bradley Hand Bold

It includes over 400 pages of must-have information, including:

  • A full What’s New!! chapter for the 2018 Holiday Season
  • A full Monthly Schedule of Events for the Holiday Season
  • How to avoid the crowds on Disney World’s busiest days (and when Disney World closes their parks due to capacity!)
  • ALL of the events, activities, and holiday additions in Walt Disney World. ALL. OF. THEM.
  • And of course we’ll tell you where to eat! ;-D

Pre-order your 2018 Guide now and get 20% off with code PEPPERMINT!

As always, our e-Books are 100% guaranteed! If you don’t love it, you get your money back!

Will you be visiting Toy Story Land during the holidays? Please let us know with a comment!

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