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See TOY STORY LAND All Decorated for the Holidays — AND the Flurry of Fun — in Disney’s Hollywood Studios!


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Andy’s backyard is ALL DECKED OUT in decorations for the annual holiday celebration in Disney World’s Hollywood Studios: the Flurry of Fun!!


Toy Story Land for the Holidays!

As the newest addition to Hollywood Studios, Toy Story Land is new to all the festive fun of the FLURRY! We’re checking out the event’s food as it starts to arrive on the scene today, but we couldn’t resist give you a special look at all the Land’s decorations, including the characters in their holiday best!



Woody is dressing up in his Christmas vest and topping his cowboy hat with a sprig of mistletoe. A large candy cane completes the look!



Jessie is “dolled up” in her peppermint candy vest, too!





And Buzz is ready for the holidays… AND BEYOND!!!


Buzz Lightyear

As we all shrink down to the size of TOYS once we enter Toy Story Land, the decorations are likewise larger than (regular, non-toy 😉 ) life!


Happy Holidays from Hamm

“Happy Holidays” from Hamm, the Holiday Cookie!


Holiday Cookie Hamm

You can see he’s got a little support…


Green Army Man props up Hamm Cookie

Keep an eye out for antlers on Rex from his perch on Slinky Dog Dash.


Slinky Dog Dash

Popcorn and cranberry garland have been draped along Woody’s Lunch Box.


Woody’s Lunch Box


Woody’s Lunch Box

Even the Green Army Patrol is getting into the spirit!


Green Army Patrol


Green Army Patrol

By the way, there’s something you can’t see in this post. But you can now HEAR holiday tunes piping as the new seasonal soundtrack for the Alien Swirling Saucers attraction!


Alien Swirling Saucers

But you can see — because you CAN’T MISS — the HUGE Alien ornaments next to the ride!


Alien Ornaments

Oh! And while this is available outside of Toy Story Land (we found him at the Hot and Fresh Popcorn stands), have you SEEN the Santa Alien Popcorn Bucket?!?


Santa Alien Popcorn Bucket

Find out more about him here!!


Santa Alien Popcorn Bucket

It’s time to PLAY BIG for the HOLIDAYS in Toy Story Land!!!

Don’t Miss Out on Any Disney World Fun This Holiday Season!

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  • A full Monthly Schedule of Events for the Holiday Season
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Are you heading to Hollywood Studios to see Toy Story Land during the holidays? Please let us know with a comment!

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