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You Have One More Day to #ShareYourEars and Make Wishes Come True


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Over the past few weeks, we have seen so many imaginative and fun photos posted as part of this year’s #ShareYourEars campaign. Today is the final day to post a photo showing off your “Mickey Mouse ears” – or any creative “ears” – before the campaign ends today on Giving Tuesday. For every public post on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #ShareYourEars, Disney will donate US $5 to Make-A-Wish®, up to US $1 million, to grant more wishes. You can help grant life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses around the world, such as 13-year-old Liam’s one true wish to be a stormtrooper for a day.

Having battled a critical illness for years, Liam has always been a fighter. But during his Make-A-Wish trip to Walt Disney World Resort, he was recruited to join a different kind of battle, one from a galaxy far, far away. At Disney’s Hollywood Studios, Liam joined the March of the First Order as they made their way through the park under Captain Phasma’s command. After the march, Liam had the unique opportunity to meet a stormtrooper face-to-face during a special greeting. Check out the video below to experience this wish come true.

In Liam’s words, “that was totally awesome!”

Liam’s wish is one of more than 130,000 wishes that Disney has helped Make-A-Wish grant since 1980. This extraordinary relationship has helped wish kids around the world replace fear with confidence, sadness with joy and anxiety with hope. Currently, Disney grants more than 10,000 wishes annually working with wish granting organizations around the world, and this number continues to grow!

To help make more wishes come true, don’t forget to #ShareYourEars today. Learn more at ShareYourEars.org.


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